Do air purifiers work for dust?? /Street news

I'm newly married, It's only been 3 years, And a son has been born ....

he can talk a lot, and she asks me a lot of questions ... he is very good at reading, I Learn her to read and write with a very good guide.

Six days a week she goes home, school, and studies, and these six days I am also busy in my office.

So I take him for a walk in the park on Friday ... To keep the mind fresh.

I love to hang out with him, because he calls me Daddy, asks a lot of deep questions, so I'm very happy.

For example, father, the shadow of a human being suddenly becomes much longer, again much shorter, what is the reason for this?

One day, I took him out, Suddenly a man is miking and promoting his company's Air.

At one point he says do air purifiers work for dust Works for.

This is what he says over and over again, do air purifiers work for dust. My son listens very carefully, And he keeps saying, do air purifiers work for dust….

I return home, after the tour, there is no rest, I finish eating, I use Facebook in bed, and my son is tired and goes to sleep,

Ha ha, he says in his sleep, do air purifiers work for dust. My wife told me, where did you take Son? The boy is starting to buck, I smiled in reply.

He woke up and couldn't find me at home anymore, I went to the office.

He started saying again, do air purifiers work for dust.

His mother asked, "What are you talking about, this boy?" do air purifiers work for dust, What is this?

He said, "I don't know, mother. I went to the park with father, I saw a man talking on the street that day." do air purifiers work for dust.

He said more and more, it is good, it is fine, it is nice, it is best, it is very very good keep parformens.

His mother smiled and said, Your father, in fact, asks.

When I got home, I saw him saying, do air purifiers work for dust. Seeing me, he asked, what does father do air purifiers work for dust, I said completely,

Air purifiers usually have a filter or multiple filters and a fan that sucks and propagates in the air. As the air is removed through the filter, contaminants and particles are caught and the clean air is pushed back to the living space. Typically, filters are made of paper, fiber (often fiberglass) or mesh and require regular replacement to maintain efficiency. I said more, he understood very well.

Later he says bring, I will do the wiz, l I will bring it, he is very happy,

He took it in his hand and said again, do air purifiers work for dust...


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